If Relationships are Important to You

Build Your Network of Influence and Avoid Social Media Disasters  



Your Success Requires Sustaining an Ecosystem of Relationships


It takes months, even years, to develop valuable in-person and online relationships, but they can be ruined in seconds. Learning and implementing these communication habits will be transformative. 

Communicate Accurately & Effectively

Avoid Painful Damage Control

Build Deeper
Trust & Relationships

As your world requires greater interpersonal connections, especially online, how do you build and protect your network or grapevine?

The Laws of the Grapevine is based on extensive research on the link between leadership effectiveness and communication habits. Managing a complex ecosystem of local, national, and even international connections requires a different approach. This training will help you sustain healthy, productive personal and professional relationships that are critical for your success. 


LGV Network Logo

This Training can Save You from Pain & Embarrassment

Self-Inflicted Crisis is the Worst!

Lack of effective communication creates gaps that leave you vulnerable to misinterpretation and deterioration of relationships. Communication habits are the key to healthy, positive relationships at work, at home, and throughout your life. No one is immune from these risks.

Exhausting Recovery

Simple communication mistakes can cause damaging negative consequences both internally and externally.

Fear &

Poor communication results in greater uncertainty and misunderstanding because people are more skeptical about messages.


76% of people don’t trust leaders who fail to communicate effectively, increasing gossip and dysfunction. 

No Secrets.
No Surprises.

People who build and sustain a culture of trusted relationships are healthier, happier, and more successful. They avoid the Miss Communication landmines by learning habits to grow as a more effective leader.  This training is used by educators, business executives, pastors, entrepreneurs, executive directors, and so many others to preserve their valuable network or grapevine. 


Team Culture Trust Small

To learn more about

The Laws of the Grapevine Training

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